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4 Methods To Bounce Back Stronger After A Failure

Failure hurts – whether you obtained bad grades in school or can’t achieve your fitness goals, neither of us likes failure. I’m sure you don’t either. Failure feels painful and embarrassing because we did not gain something in return for the efforts and time invested towards a goal. No matter how you see it, hitting rock bottom is bitter and hating it won’t prevent you from getting into another setback next time. However, failure does not have to weigh you down or discourage you from achieving your goals.

If you are unsure of how to look at failure from a more positive perspective, here are four methods to shift your perspective about failure:

Accept And Learn From Failure

Failure is inevitable. No one can escape or be immune to it. No matter how good someone is in their specialized fields, they will encounter failure during their lifetime. Failure happens due to a dozen of reasons such as the plan went wrong or there were not enough preparations made. Acceptance is crucial after a failure setback. It helps you accept what has happened and come to terms with it. Besides that, failure is a good opportunity to learn and improve our skills. When we take a step back to learn from our mistakes, we may start to notice the opportunities we missed in the first place. Learning through failure allows us to challenge ourselves to take on bigger challenges in life. Behind every failure, there is always something to learn. Ultimately, failure teaches us to be more courageous and resilient.

Focus on Strength

Failure can make you fear of trying again because you may anticipate disappointments. It is our brain's natural mechanism to protect us from experiencing unfavourable consequences in the future. If we do not try once again, we will never succeed as no effort is being invested into the goal. Instead of focusing on what did not work out, focus on our strengths and what we can do next. Plan out your next course of action toward achieving your dreams.

Take Time To Heal

As much as failure hurts, wallowing in it won’t get us anywhere. Give yourself time to heal and let the uncomfortable feeling past. Once it has passed, you will develop the new energy to start fresh again. Don’t let failure define you because you are worth more than that. Blaming yourself over spilt milk will only demoralize you. Instead, accept that it is an action that did not go as planned, not you being not good enough.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Going through failure alone is tough. You can feel cut off from the outside world and alone in this experience. However, you do not have to go through it alone. Seeking support and sharing your struggles with someone you trust can help you overcome the negative feelings after failing a goal. Besides talking to someone about your problems, you may seek their opinions on identifying the root causes and ways to improve your previous plan.

It is certainly not easy to get back up after a failure. Don’t beat yourself up; take small steps at a time and encourage yourself that you can do this. After all, life is full of uncertainties, and there are many things that you cannot control in life. Celebrate the small wins along the way, which will eventually lead you back to your goals. Remember that it’s the way you handle failure that determines your success.

By Dalilah Anna.

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