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SUBMISSION guidelines               

Written Work

we accept all genres of written work, from poetry to articles. no word limits, no censorship. 

what to include:

1. title, name of author.

2. desired social media handles.

3. cover image if wanted.

submit your document to our email address with the above information.


when will I hear back?

usually within 2-3 weeks, unless it is a particularly busy time period. 


we accept all photography, although we maintain a minimal nudity rule as per instagram regulations.

what to include:

1. name of photographer.

2. if desired, type of camera and materials used.

3. model names + social media handles if applicable.

submit your photographs to our email via wetransfer, google drive, or other sharing hi-res platforms. 

when will I hear back?

usually within 1-2 weeks.*

Visual Art

we accept all art styles. 

what to include:

1. high-resolution images of your art. good lighting is a must, clear and in focus images will be used.

2. title of the piece(s) as well as artist name.

3. if desired, materials used and description of the art, or background information about inspiration.

submit your art through email- to ensure the highest quality, we recommend using wetransfer or a similar platform.

when will I hear back?

usually within 1-3 weeks.*


other submissions may include tutorial videos, recipe videos, reels, tiktoks, music / audio, and playlists. 

for these, we recommend sending your submissions in the correct mp4 format, via wetransfer or similar. 

strictly no watermarks, mp3 audios, or low-res videos can be accepted. 

what to include:

1. title, name, background of submission.

2. any needed editing on our half can consist only of typography or music layover- please mention what you would need from us.

3. cover image you would like us to use. 

when will I hear back?

usually within 1-2 weeks.*

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