when the world ends, i will thank myself for being there for me.
i will sit in the deep silences of my bedroom
with its vintage bed-sheet made of satin,
spread perfectly across the bed, with not a wrinkle in sight,
and the soft breeze slipping in through a gap in the window,
thinking back to all the times i thought my heart had had enough
but it pulled through.
i will remember yesterday;
when we smiled at each other with our eyes,
and sat at the pier making promises we intended to break.
with happiness on our lips, we sang about our sadness; how everything complete, was falling into fragments of incomplete.
i will remember the words i thought would've dented my heart forever,
but the cracks healed soon,
as i walked under the moonlit sky
only to realize that the love i most needed was my own.
i will picture all the sunsets i noticed and didn't,
and i will remember all the mornings i woke up breathing the air of another city.
i won't mourn over all the people i left behind,
or all that could've been;
but i will cherish all that was.
when the world ends,
i will thank myself for being there for me.
By Muskan Kaur