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me a human, I’m a tiny doll in this dollhouse of a world, a purpose is what I’m here for, a heart that feels too much, a brain that thinks too much, and a middle ground never found. decisions await, places to be and things to do, people to meet and people to forget, memories left to make and so many to cherish, memories to cry, memories to grow. time a gift, my blessing and my curse. these days, hours, minutes, seconds pass me together, I’m left feeling at a loss. the highs at their highest, the lows at its lowest. lessons I’ve learned and things I can’t take back there’s so much unsaid, unheard, uncontrollable. an ocean I call my life, waves surround me and I drown with all of me. I surround with all of me. I come out with all of me. it isn’t easy being me, him, her, this, that, it, because if it was nothing would make sense. it’s the struggle that makes it worth it, I know it gets too much, I feel it too much too, but it’s okay, we’ll be okay. when it gets rough, so rough I can’t hear anymore, you’re there telling me it’s okay, I’ll be okay. losing losing losing every day we’re losing. we lose time. we lose people. we lose opportunities. we lose moments. but most importantly we lose us, day by day. losing has always been my talent, I’ve lost my heart to this world, I’ve lost my heart to music, I’ve lost my heart to her, and I’ve lost my heart to me. but why would thee fear, my heart is as restless as i. the cage is the winner, as I win my heart for me. my eyes too bleak for these skies that surround, all this beauty I don’t deserve to see, all these smiles I have, all these blessings in my lap, all this life I’ve to live. yet everyday I, run running, feel feeling, smiles smiling, breathe moments, seconds memories, her girl, we us. it’s all we have at the end of the day, each other. and all we have to give is love, love love love, and life.

Bhoomika Gunani -FrolicTheory

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